Staying Healthy on Dialysis

Staying Healthy on Dialysis
A healthy lifestyle can help to make your dialysis treatments even more effective. Plus, feeling better means being able to do more – and enjoy more. Taking simple steps to eat well, manage your fluids and being physically active can help you to achieve better health on dialysis.

Finding time to stay healthy

When you’re on dialysis, it may seem like your schedule revolves around treatment. Dialysis treatments do take up time and it’s important that you stay on schedule and complete your full treatment each session. By actively planning your time to include things that are important to you on your calendar, you can help to ensure that you fit in your priorities each week.
Taking steps to avoid infection

Taking steps to avoid infection

When you’re on dialysis, avoiding infection of any kind is key to managing your overall health. Be your own advocate and look out for your health in every way you can, including practicing good hygiene, caring for your access properly, getting vaccinated and keeping up with treatment for all health conditions.